Friday, July 18, 2008

Lehi 26th ward Summer COOL off PARTY

Paul and I got called a few months ago to serve over the ACTIVITIES in our ward. Today was our first PARTY. We had a Summer COOL off PARTY theme, I called everyone in our ward this morning to remind them to take a nap today so they would be ready for a late night PARTY!!!! So this is what we did... We met at the Lehi Pool, from 7:00-9:00pm we served whole made ice-cream, chatted and played games. At 9:00-11:00pm we had the whole POOL and SLIDE to ourselves. I am so thankful for the poeple on our committee they are awesome and alway's seem to follow through it's such a busy time for all of us. But hey look how FUN it turned out.

1 comment:

k8theriver said...

ahw. wish we could have been there. i loved summer-time in our neighborhood. :(