Friday, August 22, 2008

Answer to Rileys Prayer

Riley's wrist still hurt from his first tournament so I took him in to urgent care, they took an Xray and sure enough it was broke the doc showed us on the xray and told Riley he wouldnt be able to golf for at least six weeks and we would have to come back on thursday when the swelling goes down and they will cast it. Riley came home really down because he wanted to play golf so bad!!! My CUTE little RILEY said a prayer that Heavenly Father would heal his wrist so he could play. We went back on thursday to get his wrist cast and they took another Xray and found that it was totally better!!!! Talk about a MIRACLE!!!! Needless to say it was a special experience that we shared as a family and Riley along with all of us gained a stong testimony of PRAYER. He Never missed out on a Golf tournement.

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