Thursday, November 13, 2008


Oh yeah!!!! Girls Night Out!!! Brittany and I took Chloe and a couple of her friends to see HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL. It was so much FUN!!! We each took a purse filled with our left-over Halloween candy and loaded our purses and of course I popped my own popcorn because the popcorn at the theater is not WW friendly, anyway we bought drinks there and popcorn and then woo hoo are movie started. It was FUN to watch the girls faces during the show they were giggling and every time Troy Bolton came on girls in the audience just cheered! It was so much FUN! I LOVE being a GIRL! On the way home the girls just talked about there favorite parts. Chloe and Britt can't wait to get the sound track.


Lisa Loeffler said...

You know how to party, girl! Sounds like you made the most of the HSM experience! The girls and I LOVED it (and I have a major crush on TROY!) By the way, glad to see your blog is back and lookin' good!

Melissa said...

How fun! Wasn't it so great going with young girls? It was fun feeling all twitter-pated yourself just like a school girl again! We loved it - glad you did to!